Time Out staff member and YA guru.
For the last 6 years I have been paid to live among books. I 'work' at Time Out Bookstore on Mt Eden Road. I say work in air quotations not because I sit around doing nothing but because the work I do is enjoyable and satisfying.
One of my jobs here is helping people find the right book. I'm privileged to work with some amazing people, and the best thing about our cohort of bookstore workers is that we all have our own taste and niche when it comes to recommending books to customers.
One of my niches here is down the very back of the shop, through a 'Where The Wild Things Are' painted door frame, in a little room full of colour, adventure and magic.. and often children. The Kids Room is what we call it, but trust me when I tell you it holds many wonders for those of us who have outgrown our Single-Digit and teenage years. This is actually where I was found and adopted by Wendy, the owner of the shop, when I was fifteen. I spent so much time lurking and reading in that room that Wendy asked if I'd like to be paid to do it. I told you this room was full of magic.
As I said, one of my jobs is recommending books to people, particularly in that back room. As I was opening up the shop this morning one of my favourite books in the Young Adult section caught my eye, and I realised that there are some amazing books out there that can sometimes be lost in the excitement of The Hunger Games and The Fault in our Stars (both of which are fantastic books by the way). But there are some unsung heroes out there who I believe deserve some of the spotlight, even if they haven't been made into major motion pictures (yet). The other thing that can sometimes cast some of these great books into the shadows are the list of fantastic books which have been out for a long time, such as the Inkheart series which is always one of my go-to recommendation for young book-lovers.
So my thought was to compile a short list of my favourite Young Adult books that have come out in the last five years that maybe you haven't heard about, but that you should listen for.
(I should say, these are books of my taste in Young Adult so most have some kind of magical or sci-fi element.)
1. The Delirium Series by Lauren Oliver (2010)
- Set in a future where the source of all the worlds problems has been identified and cured. Love. Love is a disease that causes irrationality and destruction where ever it goes, so when you turn 16 you are given the cure. Lena is a strong believer in the cure and all that it stands for. But then she meets Alex, a boy who is part of the rebellion, who shows her there is so much more to the world beyond the fence.
- Now this may sound like just another teen clique love story... and yes in some ways that is exactly what it is.But Oliver also spins a challenging and thought-provoking world and a page-turning adventure around this love story. The other thing I loved about this series was the reality of it. So often these dystopian books skip over the harsh realities that come with being on the run, but this story embraces and describes them. All three books in the trilogy are out now, and trust me, you will want to jump right into the next one.
2. All Our Yesterdays by Cristin Terrll (2013)
- In the future the invention of a time machine has caused nothing but pain and destruction for everyone, and Em and Finn must use the machine to go back and ensure it is never created. The only thing is, other versions of themselves have already tried 14 times, and this time there is only one option.
- A great book with a new twist on Time Travel. Apparently this is only book one in the series and I'm excited to see where Terrll takes the story next. The books asks how far you would be willing go for the greater good. I can't say too much without giving the story away, you might just have to pick it up and go through all the twists and turns yourself.
3. Forgotten by Cat Patrick (2011)
- London remembers forward. She has no memories of yesterdays, she relies on reminder notes, diary entries and her knowledge of what is coming to make it through the day appearing to be an ordinary girl.
- This is hard book to try and explain, for obvious reasons! But what a fantastic concept. I started reading this book in bed one night and didn't sleep until I finished it. I literally couldn't put it down. Another love story takes center stage, but who cares. That's most YA fiction for you, embrace it or move on.
4. Why We Broke Up by Daniel Handler (2013)
- This is the story of Min and Ed. They were in love, or so Min thought, and then they broke up. Now Min is writing Ed a letter to let him know exactly why. Each chapter is a piece of the letter and is accompanied by an beautiful illustration of a trinket or ticket stub or some physical part of Min and Ed's relationship, all of which are going in a box to be delivered to Ed's front door.
- For anyone who has ever gone through a break up, your heart will identify with this fantastically tragic story. It will make you smile, make you cry and might even help you learn some things about love.Written by Daniel Handler, more well known as Lemony Snicket the author of the Series of Unfortunate Events.
5. Ketchup Clouds by Annabel Pitcher (2012)
- Zoe has a secret, one so awful she can't confide in anyone. Not until she starts writing letters to Stuart Harris, a murderer locked up on death row in Texas. Though he never replies Zoe sends letters with pieces of her story as a way to come to grips with what she's done and find a way forward.
- This is a great read from the author of 'My Sister Lives on the Mantelpiece.' Because you don't know quite what happened until further down the track I'll avoid giving the 'AHA' moment away. I loved how this was a story about a normal teenager and her life... until it wasn't.
is it from me for now. I hope that something I said has inspired you to
run off and dive into another world, whether it be one of those I've
recommended or not! Happy reading dear friends, and remember to
appreciate those slightly dustier books.