Mr. Ian Brown was blown away by Ishiguro's new book, and would like to convince you that you would like it too!

There are loads of fantastic writers doing some very interesting things amongst the genres: sweeping adventures with beautiful prose and great character development that would rival any “real book”. Although there are already some amazing genre writers around, acclaimed literary writers will occasionally dip their toes into the often perceived as murky waters of genre and elevate the whole game. This is exactly what Kazuo Ishiguro has done with his latest masterpiece The Buried Giant.

The plot itself takes place in a post Arthurian England that has finally seen peace between the Saxons and Britons, and follows an elderly couple as they begin a quest to their son's village. The only problem is that a strange mist has descended on their minds which is making it hard for them to remember exactly where it is, or what they had done together a few weeks prior. Then as quests usually go, things take a turn and soon they are on a grand adventure filled with warriors, monks, and old knights.
For those worried that this is just a silly "fantasy novel" not worthy of your time, you couldn't be further from the truth. This is going to be one of the highlights of the literary world this year, and not only that, it's a ripping good adventure that you're not going to want to put down. Who knows? Maybe this will be your gateway book into the fantastic world of genre fiction!