Customer Review: Message to my Girl by Dr. Jared Noel with David Williams

Reviewed by Darlene Adair - Mum of staff alumnai, Taylor

I have just finished reading this powerful book and find myself wondering how best to express what I am feeling. 

I feel like I have had a generous, privileged and intimate conversation with Jared, someone I never met. He honestly and courageously let me see into his suffering, joy, grief and ultimately his wrestling with faith, hope and love. This is a gift that is offered primarily to his daughter but through the publishing of this book is extended to include me, and you.
I think what gives this book such impact for me is the first person narrative. David Williams has collaboratively and lovingly curated Jared’s message to his girl and written it back in Jared’s voice. It feels very conversational. But rather than being an observer of these conversations, as a reader I felt myself becoming a privileged participant. 

The word privileged really resonates for me because, as Jared observes, not everyone is able to give words to the things they are experiencing. Sometimes there are no words, other times there are emotions and experiences that we are not practised at noticing or speaking honestly about. Jared’s story, shared so openly, invites us to really consider, reflect and share ourselves with others. 

This is a book I hope many will read. Those who are facing the journey into the tunnel Jared describes; those who have walked part of that journey already, others who are yet to even acknowledge that the tunnel lies ahead. This is a book that ultimately encourages you to consider how you might choose to live.

You can purchase Message to my Girl on our website here.