Time Out Staff - Meet Suri

You may have noticed new face in Time Out recently, but it's a face that's familiar. We have known Suri for a long time as our amazing barista from Frasers Cafe. However, as our conversations about books and reading got longer and more enthusiastic, we knew we had to have her migrate next door as soon as we could. 

What were some of your favourite books as a child?I had so many favourites! His Dark Materials Trilogy by Philip Pullman was definitely at the top of my list, as was the Tales of the Otori trilogy by Lian Hearn. I read a lot of dystopian novels when i was younger, and Philip Pullman has an incredible gift for introducing some pretty heavy themes to young audiences like the effect of religious, political and social structures on the lives of individuals.

What did you study at University?I studied a Bachelor of Arts majoring in Political Studies.

What are your 5 favourite books of all time? Amongst my favourites are: A God of Small Things by Arundhati RoyOrientalism by Edward SaidThe Secret History by Donna TarttRebecca by Daphne Du Maurier, and On Beauty by Zadie Smith.

What are you reading now? Currently between two books - Capitalism: A Ghost Story by Arundhati Roy, and The Green Road by Anne Enright.

Anything else you would like to say? I think it's important, as readers, to seek out a multiplicity of voices in books. Some of the most interesting stories are told by people who've long been overlooked as arbiters of art and culture. Women, people of colour and members of the LGBT community are all creating incredible intersectional art and writing that we should all be reading! :)